Events Listings

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Ringing, New Members Welcome Event, ADM, ringers' tea
Hits : 666 Download as iCal file
Saturday 03 February 2024, 14:00 - 16:30
Location: Horsham (confirmed)
No direct link to Tower information provided
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Event Description:

Join us for a new members' welcome event, ringing, and the Northern District's Annual District Meeting with ringers' tea.  Ringing will be rounds-onwards, all welcome!  If you're a novice ringer who hasn't had much experience of ringing at other towers, why not come with your teacher/helper?

The meeting will include a discussion about what you feel the strategic priorities of the Association should be over the next 5-10 years.  If you think you might be interested in volunteering to help on the (very friendly!) District committee, please contact Steph (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to discuss.  

Names for tea via this form by Wednesday 31st January, please.

14.00-15.15 Open ringing (rounds onwards, all welcome)
15.00-15.30 Tea/coffee and information for new members
15.30-16.30 New members' welcome and meeting
16.30-17.00 ringers' tea - names for tea via this form

Remember to bring some cash for the tower donation and for the refreshments (tea/coffee, sandwiches, cake etc). 

The papers for the meeting are available online here (printed copies will not be provided).  Please send apologies for absence to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in advance.
Minutes of 2023 ADM
Secretary's report
District Bell Restoration report
Central Council Rep's report

There are accessible toilets in the church.  The meeting will be held in the Leslie Room in the church, which is fully accessible (via a stairlift).  

Parking in Horsham is pay & display (information here - Denne Road car park is closest, Piries Place and Swan Walk are also just a short walk away); or you can use the park & ride