You can browse the upcoming events below or you can search and filter the events by District or by event type on the right. There is always lots going on, so come along and join in! Remember, anyone is welcome to attend events in any District, not just their own.
You can find out about nationwide ringing events by looking at
Eastern District Doubles Practice at Westham near Eastbourne.
2nd Wednesday of the month - note the November start time has been changed due to a fireworks event at P&W School next door, which ends with the ringing of the bells. Once this has ended around 7:45pm the Doubles Practice will start.
Join us for the monthly mid-week practice on this 10cwt ring of 6 for those learning Plain Hunt and learning to treble on Plain Bob/Grandsire, through to short touches of doubles methods to suit the repertoire of those attending*.
Experienced helpers to fill in and "stand-behind" always welcome.
Refreshments served. ☕️
*The October meeting included Plain Hunt, Plain Bob, Grandsire and Winchendon Place, previous months have included St Simon's and Stedman too