Events Listings

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Northern Surprise Practice
Hits : 30 Download as iCal file
Monday 14 October 2024, 19:30 - 21:00
Location: Crawley (confirmed)
No direct link to Tower information provided
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Event Description:

Method of the month/quarter: Jovium surprise major (

The main focus of these practices remains the Core 7 methods either individually or spliced depending on attendance.

For those ringers with a wider repetoire, I would like to ensure Belfast and Glasgow are more regularly incorporated so please do refresh these if you need to ahead of the practice. For those new to Belfast, there will be an opportunity to ring three leads subject to attendance if you want to give it a shot (this can be rung so that many bells repeat the same lead three times).

Simon Linford's great book on the Core 7 and beyond is found here

The idea is to try and improve the success rate and striking accuracy in the Core 7 methods and it would be very much appreciated if where possible attendees do a little extra homework in advance, to help ensure we peform our best on the night. There will also be an enhanced effort to ensure more optimal band placement. Stedman triples will also be rung when appropriate.

Please get in touch (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if there is anything in particular you would like to ring.

I appreciate there are a lot of methods mentioned here and the intention is not to overwhelm I promise! If you are taking your first steps into ringing surprise major, you are most welcome, just let me know what you are working on (Cornwall, go on, you know you want to!).

There won't be an opportunity to ring everything at each practice and I will respond to emails in advance or requests on the night.