Events Listings

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Annual District Meeting - North
Hits : 469 Download as iCal file
Saturday 06 February 2021, 16:00 - 17:00
Location: Zoom
No direct link to Tower information provided
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Event Description:

This year's Northern District ADM will be held online via Zoom. Join us to have a chat with friends from across the District, make suggestions about what you think the committee/Association should be organising, elect committee members, and nominate Association officers. If you'd like to stand as an Association Officer at the AGM in May, you'll need to get proposed and seconded at an ADM first. We're also looking for volunteers to get involved with Young Ringers, Training (and Recruitment), and Comms & Events. Could you help?

The agenda, Secretary's Report, District BRF Rep's Report, and minutes of the last ADM have been circulated by email. We'll start with informal chat for the first 15 minutes to give you a chance to catch up with friends from across the District. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions and make suggestions during the meeting. Please note that as electronic voting will be used, if more than one person is sharing an electronic device to join the meeting, they will also share one vote!  BYO tea and cake ;-) 

The following District and Association Officers are willing to stand again; we welcome others who are interested in joining the committee (contact Steph via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you'd like to get involved).

  • Northern District Secretary (and Central Council Rep) - Steph Pendlebury
  • Northern District BRF Rep - Simon Alford
  • Northern District Committee members -  Susie Bowen, Rosie Gregory, Chris Westwood, Richard Pendlebury
  • SCACR Master - Rob Lane
  • SCACR Secretary - Hamish McNaughton
  • SCACR Treasurer - Sue Gadd
  • SCACR Trustee - Margaret Sherwood
  • SCACR BRF Secretary - Graham Hills
  • SCACR Safeguarding Officer - to be nominated

If you haven't received the link to join the meeting by email, contact Steph via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 8 pm on Friday 5th February

You can download Zoom for free here. It's very easy to use, but if you're not sure how to get started, have a look at the Zoom support centre.

PS Yes, we know that this clashes with the weekly Association Ringing Room practice - it's just once a year.