Events Calendar

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Teaching Course, ART accredited. Module 1
Hits : 891 Download as iCal file
Saturday 19 August 2023, 09:00 - 17:00
Location: St Mary's Church, Billingshurst.
No direct link to Tower information provided
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Event Description:

This is an association event.

This is a fantastic opportunity for those who already teach bell handling and want to update their skills AND for those who have never taught anyone to handle a bell .  This module provides you with the skills and techniques necessary to take a ringer from their first lesson to having competent bell control.  This is an all day event consisitng of practical and classroom sessions!

You must be 14 or above and  have sufficient bell control to be able to inspire confidence in others and have the ability to comfortabley raise and lower a bell.  You do not need to be a method ringer!  You will need a mentor who will suppoort you following the course whlist using your newly acquired skills with a learner!

How to book - go into the Association of  Ringing Teachers website and click on the events list and then follow the instructions to book.  The fee is £25.00 and payable on line.   The closing date for booking on line is midayt on Friday 11th August.  However, if anyone wishes to register after this - it is not a problem,  just  contact Janice Crawford on 07890804339 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bring a picnic and tea and cake will be provided!!!