You can browse the upcoming events below or you can search and filter the events by District or by event type on the right. There is always lots going on, so come along and join in! Remember, anyone is welcome to attend events in any District, not just their own.
You can find out about nationwide ringing events by looking at
This is a great opportunity for those who are able to handle a bell independently and are ready to ring rounds, call changes and plain hunt! You will handle the bell in the usual way and will be ringing with a supportive band with the simulator up and running! It is imperative that you book through Christine Butterfield on 01903 872623 in order to monitor numbers to give everyone the best experience. Refreshments will be provided for a donation. Look forward to seeing you there!!
Update - places are available on this practice as many ringers have progressed to the 'Beyond Plain Hunt' session at Washington which is a great achievemnt! So, if you are ready for rounds and plain hunt - then do please come along. Please book with Christine Butterfield!!