You can browse the upcoming events below or you can search and filter the events by District or by event type on the right. There is always lots going on, so come along and join in! Remember, anyone is welcome to attend events in any District, not just their own.
You can find out about nationwide ringing events by looking at
All welcome at the Northern District ADM!
Names for Quiz and Supper to Steph (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by Wednesday 30th January!
The quiz is £5 (£2.50 for under-18's). Supper will be baked potatoes with chilli (including veggie option), salad and puddings. Teams up to 6 people - don't worry if you don't have a team, we'll find you one on the night.
Ringing will be rounds onwards - all welcome! New recruits are encouraged to come along with a helper. There will be a short service for those who wish to attend, followed by the ADM and light refreshments. Please do come along to the ADM to get to have your say about how your Association is run, and for new members to be presented with their SCACR membership certificates.