Events Calendar

You can browse the upcoming events below or you can search and filter the events by District or by event type on the right. There is always lots going on, so come along and join in! Remember, anyone is welcome to attend events in any District, not just their own
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Young ringers' meet up
Hits : 354 Download as iCal file
Sunday 16 May 2021, 14:00 - 15:30
Location: Worth Park, Pound Hill, Crawley
No direct link to Tower information provided
Contact: Marisa Hayes
Event Description:

Open to all ringers aged under 25, we'd like to get to know you and start to plan our ringing activities for the rest of the year. There will be handbells, boomwhackers, games and cake, of course! No church bells just yet, but it won't be long - we have plans!

Come along to one of our meet ups if you can. Bring your own drinks and snacks. 

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details and to register as we shall need to meet within Covid guidance.

If you're unable to make it and would like to stay in touch, then please email me and provide your consent to be the young ringers' list which will remain confidential.  Don't forget to keep an eye on the SCACR Facebook pages for updates too.