About the Association

The Sussex County Association of Change Ringers (SCACR) was formed in 1885 and currently has about 1300 members and 136 towers. The SCACR is a registered charity, and is affiliated to the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers.

The Association is divided into four Districts: North, South, East and West. Each District has an elected group of volunteer officers (Committee) who organise activities and events in their District.

The overall running of the Association is managed by the General Committe (elected volunteer officers). There are also four teams of volunteers who help with particular aspects:

You can find out more about the Committees and Teams, including contact details.

Association Aims

  • promoting the ringing of church bells to call people to worship
  • encouraging the recruitment and training of all ringers and advancing the art of change ringing
  • supporting the proper care and use of church bells and belfries
  • providing support to projects to restore, maintain or improve existing bells and the towers and belfries housing them, and seeking the preservation of bells from redundant churches for the purpose of ringing in churches

Become a member


If you are interested in making a donation or leaving a legacy, please contact the Treasurer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

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Upcoming Events

Sat Mar 29 @10:00
12-bell practice
Sat Mar 29 @10:30
Surprise Major Practice!
Fri Apr 04 @19:30
General 8 Bell Practice