1885-2010: The First 125 Years

Book cover page

David Kirkcaldy (Master of the SCACR 2010-2013) has published a book about history of the Association:

“The Sussex County Association of Change Ringers 1885-2010: A History of its First 125 Years”

At many times over the past 125 years, Sussex has been at the forefront of ringing, from the Horsham Society of Bellringers and their early peal ringing exploits to some of the more humble village bands. This book follows the trials and tribulations of the Association from its beginnings to the present day. It describes the strong characters who may not always have been in agreement with one another but who have shaped the SCACR into what it is today.

184 pages, with 79 B&W and colour illustrations. Cost £10, plus £3.30 p&p (cheques payable to D Kirkcaldy). Available from 27 Hills Road, Steyning, West Sussex, BN44 3QG. Copies also available from the Association's ringing bookstall (LINK). Any queries, please contact David on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or phone 01903 813653.

ISBN 978-0-9558942-1-3 (Holden Press) Copyright David Kirkcaldy 2012.

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