SCACR Membership

Membership of the Association is open to anyone (both ringers and non-ringers) interested in supporting our aims and objectives – which are primarily to support the art of change ringing in Sussex. We encourage anyone who rings regularly in Sussex to join.

Member benefits

As an SCACR member you can enjoy:

  • the fellowship and support from belonging to a wider community of bellringers;
  • participation in ringing and social events organised by the Districts and Association;
  • the benefit of participating in low cost or free District/Association training sessions and courses;
  • access to free bell maintenance and restoration advice;
  • eligibility to apply for Association grants to support bell restoration and other projects in your tower;
  • eligibility to apply for Young Ringers grants (for members under 25 years old);
  • eligibility to apply for a grant to cover course fees for training sessions of wider benefit (e.g. steeple-keeping and belfry maintenance, or train-the-trainer)
  • news and updates, District newsletters, and the annual Association Handbook;
  • membership of the SCACR Facebook group;
  • through SCACR affiliation, access to the Central Council expertise, advice and support, and materials (SCACR pays affiliation fees to the Central Council);
  • contributing to deciding the focus and strategic direction of SCACR, through participation in your District and the Association AGMs.

Note that ‘non-resident members’ are only entitled to ring peals for the Association, not to any of the above benefits.

Membership categories

There are several different types of membership, as specified in the Association’s rules. In summary:

Adult Ringing Member (resident and/or regularly ringing in Sussex): resident and/or regularly ringing within Sussex. Ringing members are usually associated with a particular tower in Sussex. The guideline minimum competency is to be able to lower a bell safely and ring competently in rounds. To become a member, a ringer should be nominated (usually by their tower captain) and seconded using the online membership form. Membership Guidance Notes

Junior ringing member (under 18 on 1st January): as for an adult ringing member, but pays a reduced annual subscription.

Adult non-ringing member (associate): for non-ringers with a connection to the Association or who wish to support the activities. For example, learners who do not yet meet the minimum ringing competency, or people who are no longer able to ring, or non-ringers who wish to support the Association’s activities.

Junior non-ringing member (under 18 on 1st January): as for an adult non-ringing member, but pays a reduced annual subscription.

Adult non-resident member (to ring peals for SCACR): not resident nor a regular ringer within Sussex. Any non-member wishing to attempt a peal for the SCACR must become a non-resident member by paying one year’s subscription. Non-resident members are only entitled to ring peals for the association, not to any other member benefits.

How do I join?

Membership is via annual subscription. To join or renew, use our online membership system; members should also update their personal details (e.g. change in email address) via this system. (Long-service members and Honorary life members are not required to pay an annual subscription fee.)

New members must be proposed and seconded by current, adult ringing members of the Association, via the membership form. Note that new members can join at any time, and are not elected at a meeting.

Download a printable Membership Application Form (use only for individuals who do not have internet access), the Membership Guidance Notes and our Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions regarding membership, please do not hesitate to contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

I want to learn to ring!

Great! Find out more about learning to ring. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find a ringing teacher near you.

Upcoming Events

Sat Oct 26 @10:00
Ashdown Forest Outing
Sat Oct 26 @10:15
Surprise Minor Practice
Fri Nov 01 @19:30
General 8 Bell Practice