
There seems to be some confusion about what SCACR’s insurance covers. Broadly speaking, it does not provide cover for individual members.

If you are ringing at your own tower, or on an outing organised by your tower, then you should be covered by your PCC insurance (you would need to check). If you visit another tower to ring with that tower's band then you are covered by that Tower's insurance. By allowing you to ring with them that tower captain is in effect accepting you onto their policy.

If a random group of ringers decides to organise its own outing, then (even if all are SCACR members) the Association insurance does not cover them. In order to be covered by SCACR insurance, the event would have to be accepted as an Association event. This means it would have to be open to any member to attend, publicised as an Association event, and an Association risk assessment carried out and approved in advance.

The Association insurance covers the Association, not individual members. SCACR is insured by Ecclesiastical, and the insurance covers Association-organised events only (as has been the case in the past). This provides public liability cover, and death or catastrophic injury cover, for the Association. It covers the Association (not individual members) against claims arising from Association-organised events only. The death and injury benefits compensate the Association for the loss of the services of that member. It is then up to the Trustees whether they would pass that money on to the injured person(s)/deceased's family; that is entirely at the Trustees’ discretion. That is not to say the benefit would not be paid to the member, but they do not have a right to it.

The main benefits of being a member are being part of a ringing community.

If you have further questions relating to SCACR insurance, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Death of Mary Burr (Alfriston ringer)

It is with great sadness that I let you know that Mary Burr passed away last night after a long battle with cancer. Mary moved to Seaford on her retirement in 2010 and took up ringing again after a twenty year gap. She rang regularly at Seaford and had lately been a stalwart member of the Alfriston band, as well as an enthusiastic member of the Ladies Who... group. She was Southern District Secretary from 2016 to 2019. She will be greatly missed.

Death of Michael Davies (Henfield ringer)

We are sad to say that Michael Davies, a long time Henfield ringer recently passed away.

He had rung at Henfield for many years, completing at least a dozen quarter peals.

He regularly attended ringing, always keen to encourage, even as his own health failed. He will be sorely missed!

His funeral, a Requiem Mass will take place on January 2nd at 11.30am at St Peter's Henfield, bells from 10.45am and afterwards at 'The Fox' pub Small Dole.

Please let Alison know if you will be attending for catering purposes at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Death of Ernie Arnold (Slaugham Ringer)

It is with regret that we have heard that Ernie Arnold from Slaugham has sadly passed away.

Ernie had recently celebrated his 98th birthday. He learnt to ring in 1948 and decided last year to stand down as tower captain, he had been a ringer for 75 years. Ernie's ringing history was celebrated in a recent edition of SCACR Soundbow.

His funeral will be on Thursday 12th December 11am at St Mary's Slaugham; bells from 10.00.

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