Association Bookstall

photo of bookstall

The Association runs a bookstall, currently looked after by Margaret Oram, which is at present at most Association events i.e. the AGM in May, the District ADMs in February, and some of the Saturday events through the year.

The bookstall stocks a large number of Central Council publications as well as others from Sherbourne Teaching AidsThe Whiting Society, the Yorkshire Association and David Marshall. Other publications can easily be obtained if requested.

The bookstall covers a wide range of subjects covering learning, teaching, bell maintenance, methods and compositions. The current stock includes:

The New Ringer’s Book
Beginners Handbook
Doubles and Minor for Beginners
Triples and Major for Beginners
Will you call a touch?
Towards better striking
Raising and Lowering in peal
Change Ringing on Handbells
Collection of Minor Methods
Standard Eight Surprise Methods
Learning Curve vol 1
Learning Curve vol 2
Learning Curve vol 3
Kaleidoscope Ringing
Jargon made Easy
Ringing Circles
Learning methods
Service Touches
Splicing Ropes
Grandsire Doubles
Plain Bob Doubles
Judging Striking Competitions 

One way to teach Bell Handling
Teaching beyond Bell Handling
Teaching Rounds to Bob Doubles
Teaching unravelled
Simulators and Teaching
Teaching Tips
Tutor's Handbook
Tower Captain's Handbook
Schedule of Regular Maintenance

One per Learner
Follow on Book
Exercise Book

Carry on Counting
Ringing Multi-Method Doubles

Blue Diagram Book

Dove’s Guide

Criblines - diagrams of Minor Methods


“A Ringer’s Guide to Learning the Ropes”, published by the Association of Ringing Teachers, and a sample copy of Bill Butler’s book, “On this day….” have recently been added to the stock.

The complete Central Council list is published monthly in the Ringing World and online, where details of other publications are also listed.

Books published by the Association are also available; these are David Kirkcaldy’s history “The Sussex County Association of Change Ringers 1885 – 2010” and “Masters of the SCACR” compiled by Christine Baldock.

It is not practical to keep large quantities of books in stock, but such is the efficiency of all the suppliers that copies can be obtained in a matter of days.

There is also a “Bargain Box” of books, now out of print or dog-eared, which are available for a small donation.

If you are interested in a particular publication, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We are happy to order special requests. Once available, the network of ringers will soon make sure it finds its way to you. However, depending on method of delivery, postage & packing may have to be added to the cost. The Association benefits from a small commission on most book sales!

Upcoming Events

Sat Mar 29 @10:00
12-bell practice
Sat Mar 29 @10:30
Surprise Major Practice!
Fri Apr 04 @19:30
General 8 Bell Practice