Death of Eric Wilkins (Chailey ringer)

We regret to announce the death (on 23 Oct 2019) of Eric Wilkins of Chailey, one of the Association’s members with over 50 years’ service. Eric rang in Lewes, Barcombe and more recently Chailey where he was a great support to the local band.

The funeral is at 2pm on Monday 18 November at St Peter's Chailey. Please come along to ring from 1.15pm. Margaret and the family would be pleased if you would stay for refreshments in the church after the service.

No flowers, donations will be welcome for the chosen charities British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research. (cheques should be made payable to ‘R A Brooks & Son Donation Account’ and sent to R A Brooks & Son, Ravenoak, Allington Road, Newick, BN8 4NB).

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