Death of members (January 2021)

Unfortunately we have to report that Stella Knight, wife of the late Ken Knight, died peacefully of natural causes on 8th January, 2021. She rang for many years at Aldingbourne and was a staunch supporter of SCACR. She will be sadly missed.

We have heard that Ruth Reynolds of Eastbourne has died, following a fall. Ruth was Harold Reynolds' widow, and both rang in the Eastbourne area for many years.

We learned that Linda A Moores has died. Linda was the tower captain of Rotherfield for many years. Her funeral is on 19 January 2021 at Darley Dale Church.

We report that Joyce Philpott of Bexhill passed away on 12 January 2021 aged 98. Joyce started ringing wheh she was 60 and had been a very loyal member of the Bexhill Service band. In 1993 at the age of 70, Joyce was a member of the Bexhill Striking Contest Team, which were placed near the top of the results order.

Re report that Angela Long of Westham. She was special part of the bell ringing fraternity at St Mary's and we all hope some of her persistent enthusiasm will rub off on the rest of us.

Our thoughts are with their familes at this sad time.

Upcoming Events

Sat Mar 15 @10:30
Buxted 8 bell Practice
Thu Mar 20
Sat Mar 22
Two Tower Practice