Death of Alan Baldock (Hailsham ringer)

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Alan Baldock. He passed away peacefully yesterday morning (16 December) after a short illness.

Alan held many positions of responsibility in the Association over many years, and was a long service member (more than 50 years membership). He was Master from 1975 to 1978, and was Association Peal Secretary from 1995 onwards. Alan was also elected as a Vice President of the Association. He learned to ring in Eastbourne but rang for many years at Hailsham. He rang a total of 1207 peals of which 987 were for Sussex.

Alan was one of the CCCBR representatives for the Sussex County Association between 1978 and 2014 and was then an Additional Member of CCCBR from 2014-2018.  He had a long-standing interest in Peal Records. He served on the Peal Records Committee from 2008-2018, having joined specifically to work on improving the accuracy of the information in the Felstead Peals Database, dealing with the corrections and anomalies that come to light over time. His thorough and detailed work on Felstead was extremely valuable in enhancing this resource. 

A thanksgiving service will take place at Hailsham Parish Church (St. Mary’s) on Thursday 13 January at 12.30 pm, followed by refreshments in the church. Open ringing from 11.30 am.

The thanksgiving service for Dad will be livestreamed via the Church website and then by clicking on ‘View LiveStream’ at the time of the service. Please email Rachel Moss This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information. 



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Sat Mar 15 @10:30
Buxted 8 bell Practice
Thu Mar 20
Sat Mar 22
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