Death of Shaun Spillane (former Chichester ringer)

It is with regret that we report the death of Shaun Spillane recently. Shaun would have been just 56 years of age but it is my understanding that he sadly died of a heart attack. Shaun was a Chichester ringer. He joined as one of a small group of learners at the Cathedral at the time of the Ringing Remembers campaign, making a good start in change ringing, and progressing to ringing regularly on Sundays. He became a member of the Cathedral Guild of Bellringers in 2019 and a member of the SCACR.
Shaun stopped ringing at the Cathedral when he moved to live in Felpham (prior to the first Covid 19 lockdown), but he is fondly remembered at Chichester.

Shaun's funeral will take place at Chichester Crematorium on Monday 20th June 2022 at 10.15 am. Those who knew Shaun are most welcome to join afterwards at: Robin Hood Pub, Shripney Road, Shripney, Bognor Regis, PO22 9PA. Doors open at 11.30 am

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Sat Mar 22
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