Master's Christmas 2013 Musings

My Musings are a little shorter than usual mainly because I am trying very hard to finish Christmas presents for our two younger grandchildren.

In the middle of November I spent a morning with the Rye ringers on their outing on the Eastern/Southern Division borders. Having visited Rye for one of the Vision meetings, it was good to renew acquaintances and meet some new people. Unfortunately I was unable to have lunch with them as the Southern/Northern Division joint Vision meeting was scheduled at Newick. This was well attended with some very useful contributions. About ten days later the Vision Working Party met and you should, by now, have the papers resulting from all the discussion groups that have taken place. I trust that you have found these to be useful. These will be presented at the

When I settle down to write my Musings I go through my diary. Since I last wrote by far the greater number of appointments has been to the chiropractor. Unfortunately he advised me to stop ringing for the moment so I have been having withdrawal symptoms for the last few weeks. The regime is not to sit for more than twenty minutes, don’t walk for more than twenty minutes and don’t stand for more than twenty minutes! Not easy keeping to it but I have been trying my best.

I have been to three Divisional meetings this month. All have been very different but most enjoyable. The Eastern Division was held at Warbleton where the local ringers turned out in force. Sadly only six other members made the journey. A Christmas tea, with punch, followed an enjoyable Carol Service. The Western Division’s service was an Advent Carol Service at Goring which had some of my favourite hymns. The Southern Division was well attended enabling a number of members to make good use of the ten bells at Southover followed by punch and mince pies. I apologise for not being able to attend the Northern Division but this clashed with the Eastern.

A good start to the season of Advent was the Mothers’ Union Quiet Day at Langney, Eastbourne. How often do we set aside time just TO BE. A friend of mine reminds me sometimes that we are Human Beings not Human Doings. I am sure we all have to remind ourselves of this from time to time.

I trust that you are well on your way to being over the rush of the preparations for Christmas and ready to be relaxed and to receive the Christmas Message of the Birth of our Lord with a quiet heart.

Enjoy your celebrations including ringing and I wish you all a Blessed Christmas and Fruitful New Year.

Christine Baldock

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