Master's September-October 2013 Blog

I have just washed the kitchen floor but cannot face the dusting so, with the smell of the borscht bubbling away in the kitchen (beetroot from the garden) it is well past the time to sit and gaze out of the patio windows to “Muse”.

When it was time for the August Musings I had written two articles for Soundbow and my aged laptop was having a hissy fit so I gave that one a miss. September passed me by with Alan’s birthday, ending in a big “0” when we had a lovely family lunch in a local pub and then all came back home for tea and cake made by Rachel, our elder daughter. There were fourteen of us including Miriam’s (our younger daughter) fiancé, Mervin who was introduced to the family. They are still very happy so I assume Mervin was happy with what he saw! Weddings plans are well on the way for June.

September was a busy month and is full of birthdays in the Baldock household. Our oldest granddaughter, Marika, was twenty and I was one year older –together with my twin sister, Yvonne, who is known by many of the ringers in the Warnham area. Marika is expecting our first great grandchild and I treated her to a shopping trip with her Mum, Miriam. Have you ever been shopping with a young person lately? Patience is at the top of the list for requirements. She hasn’t changed since she was ten – quite unable to make up her mind. In spite of this we had a fruitful and enjoyable time.

Alan and I joined the Magistrates Association Ringers annual get together for a relaxing weekend in the Lichfield area. St Chad’s is worthy of note. There are four bells hung in the order of 1,3,2,4. No problem with catching in Queens at the end. It was great fun but needed some concentration.

At the Publicity Committee meeting the Ringing Roadshow was discussed and then passed to the General Committee for a decision as to whether Sussex will be represented. The General Committee came to no conclusion as it was felt more information was required so it will be on the agenda for the next meetings. There have been a number of Vision meetings including a Special General Committee, the Western and Eastern Divisions. All have been well attended and good discussions had. The Eastern Divison was very positive and some other ways of moving ahead. With just two absentions, the Division voted that the Working Party carry on “their excellent work” taking into account the discussion. It has been obvious to me that a good number of members feel that it is time for change. Once members of the Northern and Southern Divisions have had an opportunity to have their say, another Special General Committee meeting will be held on 11 January 2014.

Codgers is now a regular date in my calendar and it was good to be close to home this month. Quite a number had not rung at Alfriston and Seaford so this was a definite tower grab for some. Our small group of Ladies who Lunch and Ring is a good social time. Our success rate for quarters is variable but the cake, lunches and chit chat is of the first order!

In my role as Master, I have visited two practices. Both were very different. One was well attended with a variety of methods being rung. The second one I made up six. We rung plain courses of Bob Doubles and one of the band said that they did not have anyone to call a touch. I was able to help out and there were smiles all round when Helen called “that’s all”. It was pleasing to note that this ringing was of a good standard.

I hope that none of you suffered any damage after the storm. A neighbour’s tree fell just missing our roof so no harm done.

The Eastern Division organised a Young People’s day at the home of Alan and Mary Collings making good use of Dewby’s bells. Five young people arrived and were split into two groups alternating between ringing and rope splicing. I was asked to look after the ringing and as I did not know the capabilities of most of the youngsters decided to do some “fun” ringing. By the end of the day all could ring a Mexican Wave. The last ring was for Sean to treble bob to Cambridge which he did well. Mary had provided an excellent lunch and there was a lot of chatter and pertinent questions from the young people. Thanks to Frances Bradford for organising a successful and enjoyable day and to Alan and Mary for opening up their home.

With my chauffeur, Alan, I visited all the six groups on the Ringing Course. Most of the people I chatted to were enjoying themselves and getting something out of their course. One or two were struggling. Those of us who do any teaching must be aware that we all learn differently and that our way does not suit everyone. The mark of a good teacher is someone who is able get onto the same wave length as the student and not the other way round. It was lovely to see the number of young people on the conducting courses.

Last week I chaired my first General Committee meeting. I was a little apprehensive but an arrow prayer prior to the proceedings held me in good stead. We did get a little bogged down once or twice but I will try not to let this happen next time!

The soup needs blending and then I have an appointment at the Chiropractor to try and sort out my leg problems. I have not been able to walk any distance for a while and am having withdrawal symptoms particularly when I know my Nordic Walking Group are out and enjoying the weather whatever it throws at them. Must rush but not too fast!

Happy ringing.

Christine Baldock

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