Master's Mutterings (Winter 2016/7)

Christmas is over, and February will soon be upon us. Yes: you all know what that means, I’ve been saying it for ages. It’s the time for the Annual District Meetings. Please do go along and support these meetings, and possibly even get involved. Become a member of the District committee and help make decisions for the good of your District and our Sussex Association.

Many of you will already know that at the ADM’s, not only are people nominated to help with their District, but nominations are also taken for officers for the General Committee. All places are up for election but especially: Association Master, BRF Secretary, and Trustee to name but a few . So please do seriously think about how you could help the Association, and ask someone to nominate you, and don’t forget that if you intend to nominate a person, then you must ask their permission first.

It is well over 50 years ago that I used to travel home from Southampton to Worthing on my trusty little Honda 50 moped. That was in the days before mopeds were restricted to 30 mph, so I could just about get 42 out of it, and more if the wind was behind me. Being a glutton for punishment, after being on the moped for 2 hours getting home on a Friday evening, I then used to get back on it to go to the Saturday Practice no matter what Division it was in. (in those days we were in
Divisions). I say that because it shows that, like myself, many people used to travel quite fair distances to go ringing, and join in with another District’s events.

These days it is unusual to see new faces at Saturday practices, unless they are from the local tower, and are only there to help provide the usually fantastic ringers tea. Don’t forget, these practices are arranged by a small committee in each District, but you are entitled to go to any of them, no matter what District they are in. You will always be welcome and there is always ringing from rounds and call changes upwards, unless the practice has been advertised for a particular method.

How about making it a New Years resolution to try to get out to other towers more often. It is surprising how quickly you can learn something you may have been struggling with, when someone different tells you in a different way to how you are usually told.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the District ADM’s and then the AGM in May, this year being hosted by the Southern District.

Graham Hills

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