Master's Mutterings (Spring 2018)

The clocks have changed to summer time and we are being led to believe that spring is here. Well perhaps it’s almost here, the daffodils are in bloom, but it’s still quite cold, and as I write this, there is still the threat of snow. February has come and gone, with the usual tranche of District meetings, followed by a General Committee meeting in early March. Apart from standard ringing, and maybe quarter peals or even peals for some, the next item on the Association Agenda is the AGM on the second Saturday of May. This year the Southern District is hosting the event at Ditchling with the AGM taking place at Westmeston. Please look at the Events Calendar on the SCACR Website for more details.

It’s great to see more and more people wearing items from the new range of Association clothing. Many thanks to Sandra Alford for arranging this, and I believe that an order is compiled every month. Again, please look at the Association Website for more details of the range including colours and sizes. Thanks also to Moya, who has done a lot of research for a new Association Lapel Badge. I am pleased to say they arrived yesterday and will be available for purchase from your District Secretaries in the near future.

Sussex has two great events to look forward to this year. Firstly, we are hosting the South East Youth Contest at Warnham on 14th April. Then on September 8th, we will be hosting the 10 bell Essex Trophy Competition at Horsham.

My 3 year term of office as Master of our Association is almost over, and I would like to thank you all for the support I have been given. When I took over, I intended getting to as many meetings in other districts as possible, but I’m afraid I didn’t do as well as I had hoped, there always seemed to be something else to do. However, you never know, we may find more time to get to other District meetings when I retire (for the second time).

There have of course been a few problems for me to sort out as Master, but on the whole, I have enjoyed the last 3 years, and it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t thank Moya for all the support she has given me.

Graham Hills

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