Master's Winter 2015 Mutterings

As soon as I read the last issue of Soundbow, I realised that I had made an omission in my mutterings. I'm afraid that I had totally forgotten to thank the team who travelled to Guildford to represent our Association in the Essex Trophy striking competition. A total of 6 teams entered, and Essex won, so in 2016, the competition will be taking place in Essex. Many thanks to those who gave their time to ring, and watch out as Stephen

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and are currently enjoying a Happy New Year with plenty of ringing. I expect many of you rang in the New Year, and I hope local people heard you above the noise of all the fireworks being set off. For us, it was one of the few occasions that both our sons and their families descended on us, and we made the most of it. It is very rare these days that we can all get together.

The first Saturday in February will see the start of the ADMs, the first being in the Northern District, followed in turn by the West, South and then the East. It is at these meetings that committee members for your District are elected, and please do remember that all positions are up for grabs, and must be proposed and elected at these meetings. Also, you get the opportunity to nominate people for positions on the General Committee, even I have to be nominated for re-election. Please do not forget that if you wish to nominate a person for something, you must obtain their permission first.

Marisa has indicated that she no longer wishes to be Association Secretary, so this is the main post that we need to fill, as fairly obviously, the Association cannot function properly without a secretary. Richard from Horsham has taken over as Webmaster, and if someone else can take on the task of running the Membership Database, then the Secretary's workload will be vastly reduced.

I am looking forward to seeing many of you at your respective ADM but in the meantime Happy Ringing.

Graham Hills (published in Soundbow Winter 2015)

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