Look To! (September 2022)

Roll up, roll up for the latest edition of everyone’s favourite SCACR Eastern District Newsletter. Enjoy reports of outings at Crowhurst and Salehurst, information on the Hooe restoration, some tips for learning Stedman and much more.

I’m also excited to introduce a new feature – a serial story, which I hope will keep readers coming back to the newsletter!

As I write, the Association Memorial Weekend is about to get underway. Look out for details in the next edition, which will be published in December.

STOP PRESS – I have just received a word of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, so the publication of this edition will be a little delayed Many towers in the District will ring for this occasion and I would welcome reports of such ringing.

Look To! September 2022

Samuel Canning (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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