SCACR Vision - updated

An update from the General Secretary 18 January:

I have today circulated minutes of the committee meeting to all attendees. General_Committee_Jan_2014.pdf

During the course of the week it has become apparent that one key point which was agreed at the meeting was genuinely overlooked: Please note: There are to be no changes imposed on the Divisional Boundaries.

Whilst many members of the committee can see the value of smaller local level areas or hubs, there will be no changes to the Divisional structure.

It is not the wish of the Working Group to push through any changes which were not agreed by the meeting. Everyone is in agreement that there have been some positive changes as a result of the summer's discussion groups and it's hoped that things will develop naturally.

I would be happy to discuss any nature of the Association's structure. Do please contact me if you have any concerns or questions.

Marisa Hayes, General Secretary.


Circular from Chair of the Vision Working Group 12 January:

Dear SCACR Members
As Chairman of the Vision Working Party I write to inform you that the General Committee of the SCACR yesterday voted not to adopt the proposals for the future of the Sussex County Association of Change Ringers as laid out in the document presented by the Working Group.

During the meeting, which at times had some quite heated discussion, points of view were put forward, questions asked and comments considered.

The General Committee agreed to take forward the proposed rule changes (Appendix 4), with a few minor changes, except for the Association Structure section – Rules 13 to 17 inclusive.

After further discussion, my proposal to adopt the Working Group’s full document was voted on with 11 votes against, 7 votes for, with 6 abstensions.

Stephen Beckingham then proposed the following motion, seconded by Rosie Gregory:
a) divisional committees remain in place for the time being
b) networks/hubs (numbering around 14) are established during the course of the year
c) the Divisions be responsible for liaising with an appropriate person for each hub (perhaps by including them on the Divisional Committee)
d) the four SCACR teams as per Appendix 3 of the Vision proposal be set up

Jack Burton proposed an amendment to the motion which was seconded by Peter Bradford.
The amendment being:
a) divisional committees remain in place for the time being
b) any number of flexible networks/hubs are established within the existing Divisions for training and local collaboration and these are to be encouraged by the Divisions
c) the Divisions be responsible for liaising with an appropriate person for each hub (perhaps by including them on the Divisional Committee)

This was agreed with 13 votes in favour and 8 votes against

Subsequently Stephen proposed, and Val Atkins seconded, that the four SCACR teams be established to help make the Association fit for purpose and the Association Structure section of the proposed rules continue to be looked at regarding representation on the General Committee.
This motion was then agreed with 13 votes in favour and 7 votes against.

So what does this mean for our forthcoming ADMs and the future of our Association?

  • At the ADMs in February the Divisions elect a team of officers and committee members to take the work of the Association forward
  • The setting up of networks is encouraged by each Division throughout the coming year and representatives from the networks are invited to be co-opted onto the Divisional Committees during the course of the year
  • Enthusiastic volunteers as well as Divisional Officers are enlisted to be members of the four SCACR teams during the coming year to ensure the Association meets the needs of its members in the 21st century
  • The Working Party continues to work on the proposed rules relating to the Association Structure, for consideration at the March General Committee Meeting and the AGM in May

I hope this brief, personal summary of yesterday’s meeting is helpful to you. If you wish to refer to the Appendices - the full document can be downloaded from the Vision page.

An official set of minutes will be circulated in due course.
With best wishes for enjoyable ringing in 2014
Anne Franklin
Chair of the SCACR Working Group

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