NEWSFLASH! Sussex Young Ringers to star in Blue Peter

Sussex Young Ringers will feature on the BBC’s Blue Peter programme on Thursday 22nd November* (17.30, CBBC channel). Filming took place during the Ringing World National Youth Contest in July, which the Sussex team won. Presenter Lindsey Russell was also filmed having a “learn the ropes” session the week before, with the SCACR and KCACR youth striking competition teams. The programme may contain a few surprises…!

The programme airs a few times in the week and is available for replay for a month afterwards. If the date changes for any reason we will be informed in advance and will let you know. Do encourage everyone you know to watch it! This is great publicity for ringing, and we hope it will inspire new young (and old!) ringers.

* Note, the broacast date was changed from 20 September to 22 November (informed by BBC on 18 September).

Blue Peter

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