Communications and Events Team update (July 2019)

Last time I wrote we were planning for another year at the South of England Show with the Chichester Diocese – see the report in Soundbow.

The AGM was hosted in May by the Eastern District in Eastbourne and very well attended. Ringing was enjoyed at Eastbourne towers: Christ Church, St Mary’s, St. Saviours and All Saints, followed by a Service, tea and the AGM at which there was a really great atmosphere. Marion Hollands the Eastern Secretary and the District team put a huge amount of work into making the event a great success.

I took along a bellringing banner that we have on loan from the Central Council, that anyone is welcome to borrow for an event (inside), we also have a feather flag (outside). Please let me know if you’d like to borrow one or both, and be assured, we intend to get our own banner so you can all promote bellringing at local events.

The Communications & Events report was presented at the AGM and the very welcome but unexpected number of new recruits resulting from the Ringing Remembers campaign has resulted in the SCACR committee agreeing that the focus should be on the training of the new recruits and their integration into the Association. The Association ran two successful events at Heathfield and Henfield to thank the ringing teachers and welcome new recruits to their ranks, many thanks to Marisa Hayes and Steph Pendlebury. Vicki Chapman the Central Council Ringing Remembers Coordinator came along from Essex to meet some of them.

At the General Committee Meeting in March it had been agreed that “recruitment” should move from Training to the Publicity team (although it was noted that this would be a “large” role). It was noted that any recruitment strategy should be aligned with “teachers’” availability and that the committee would develop a recruitment strategy. I popped this in here as it affects the Communications and Events Team, and would welcome anyone who would like to contribute, in any way, small or large.

Quarter Peal week/10 days is again planned to coincide with Heritage Open Days 13-22 September 2019. This year we’ve decided to make it an ‘achievement’ event, so everyone can have something to aim for. Our Ringing Remembers recruits are getting to grips with ringing at different stages but need to celebrate what they can do! We’ve created an event on bellboard to which you can add your performances, they don’t need to be Quarter Peals!

2019 07 VE Day 75Friday, 8th May 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the second World War in Europe. It provides us with an opportunity to remember the sacrifices made at home and abroad which heralded the arrival of peace, despite conflict still taking place in other parts of the world. The UK Government has moved the early May Day Bank Holiday from the Monday to the Friday so as many people as possible can take part in the celebrations that day. At 7pm church bells are invited to ring out for peace. The Central Council encourages all ringers to respond as they see fit, taking into account the wide variety of local circumstances. Ringing open at 7pm (local time wherever you are in the world) is the ideal and recommended option, but any time that afternoon/evening, and indeed throughout the weekend of events planned, is also supported. A full programme of planned events is listed on the VEDay75 website – to register your intention to ring, go to the Ringing Out for Peace registration page. In due course there will also be a Bellboard event set up where you will be able to register and from where you will be able to download a Certificate of Grateful Recognition to record your ringing on the day. Any further advice received about plans for the weekend will be publicised when they become known

Mini-Roadshow (6-8 Sept 2019, Goldsmiths College, London)

Interesting and entertaining talks, trade and retail stands, training bells to try, mini-rings to have a go on, real ale, and the opportunity to ring at iconic City of London churches - what more could you wish for from a day out?!

Whether you’ve been ringing for six months or sixty years, you’ll find something new at the Roadshow! Registration is open - just £12, and FREE for under-18s. Read more here - everyone is welcome and encouraged to book places now!

It’s great to see so many events being publicised on the Facebook group by members and discussions about bellringing in Sussex. Remember to check the SCACR website for details or any events you are planning to attend and phone the organiser if you’re not sure it’s right for you. Although the District teams endeavour to keep their entries up to date there are occasionally mistakes. If you see something that’s not right please let This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. know so we can fix it. The web team have been working hard behind the scenes to transfer the website to a new improved server, you should see improved website functionality now. If your band is ringing for a special event, fundraising, promotion, please let us know in case we can help with publicity. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We welcome anyone who would like to join the team to help with publicity, writing reports, social media, organising events etc. Do you have IT skills, can you assist with the website? Are you any good with photos (taking or storing/sharing) Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we’re a friendly flexible bunch.

Alison Everett
SCACR Events and Communications Team Leader

Facebook page @SussexBellringers
Twitter : @scacr_bells
email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Sat Mar 15 @10:30
Buxted 8 bell Practice
Thu Mar 20
Sat Mar 22
Two Tower Practice