General Committee Meeting - December 2020

We continue with the monthly on-line meetings on the first Saturday morning of the Month. We started the meeting remembering the life of Alan Collings who will be sadly missed.

Sue Child has updated the Safeguarding policy to include on-line activities. Steph Pendlebury has completed the guidance notes for those organising association and district events. Both these documents will be appearing on the SCACR website. It is now a requirement of our insurers that all association and district events have a risk assessment. The Health and Safety policy is already available and to support this, members of the committee have produced sample Risk Assessments to act as a guidance. These will be made available very shortly. A valuable byproduct of producing these samples is that the District Secretaries are now experts on Risk Assessment.

One of the features of the meetings is a review of the past month’s activities. This month it was the ringing at Southover and Chichester on All Souls day to mark the opening of the #SussexTogether Festival, the pilot online training course, the quarter peal week+, and the handbell morning. All of these had been successful. A record 36 quarter peals were recorded!

Looking forward there will be a Christmas quiz night on the 18th December and there will be another handbell morning on the 30th of January. However, most of the discussion concerned building on the success of the pilot online training day. In order to get a rolling programme, we need volunteers to run and help on these sessions. Those who organised the pilot will address the training programme and Jonathan Franklin agreed to create a register of those willing to volunteer.

Coming to the end of the year we discussed how the ADMs are to be held and changes required to the membership renewal system. It was agreed that both of these would be best handled by focused work groups.

The next General Committee Meeting will be on the 1st Saturday in January.

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