Wanted: Survival and Recovery Champions!

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Nobody wants any towers to fall silent as a result of the coronavirus pandemic (or anything else!). In Sussex, we are holding weekly online ringing practices using Ringing Room, and many towers are also arranging virtual get-togethers and practices. Do you have great ideas about how to keep ringers engaged during the restrictions, or are you looking for ideas? Could you be one of the SCACR’s Recovery Champions?

As we enter the tenth month of ringing restriction, the Central Council and Association of Ringing Teachers (ART) have been working together to identify ways to make the return to ringing as successful as possible. Obviously, we will have to wait a while longer for any significant return to start, so it’s not just about planning for the future but also focusing on the now – staying in contact with people and maintaining their interest in ringing.

There has been a plethora of new ideas and virtual ringing opportunities being championed around the country. New resources are being developed and many ringing societies and bands are coming up with innovative events, from which, others could learn. Some societies are starting to turn their minds to planning for the restart of ringing. Some great ideas are out there, which could be replicated in Sussex.

SCACR is looking to identify one or more Recovery Champions per District. These people would become part of a network of champions across the country and a focus for recovery planning within their local area. They won’t necessarily be the people doing all the work – they would be an active conduit of ideas and success stories between Sussex and the rest of the ringing community. You don’t need to be an experienced ringer, or to know lots of other ringers, either in SCACR or further afield, to help with this. Enthusiasm is most important! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other ringers from across the country – even across the world – and really make a meaningful contribution to the survival and recovery of the Exercise.

If you could help, please get in touch with Hamish (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

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Sat Mar 15 @10:30
Buxted 8 bell Practice
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