Death of Doug Linington (Chichester ringer)

Doug Linington passed away on the 11th of July this year after a short illness. He was a ringer and Tower Master at Chichester for many years as well as other towers in Sussex over his years of ringing. He valued the many friendships he made throughout his ringing career.

Doug moved to Cambridgeshire to be close to his daughter Elspeth and continued to ring with the Ramsay band up until lockdown where was a valued member of the tower.

The memorial service will be held on 1 September 2021, at the church of St Thomas à Becket, Ramsey, Huntingdon, PE26 1DW, starting at 2.30pm. The church requests that all those attending wear masks if able and use the hand sanitiser before entering. The service will be followed by tea at the Old Nene Golf & Country Club, Brick Kilns Farm, Muchwood Lane, Huntingdon PE26 2XQ.

Because attendance numbers are limited by the church's Covid precautions, please inform This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you wish to attend by 23 August 2021.

The family would prefer people did not wear black, and ringing jumpers/sweatshirts positively encouraged! There will be the opportunity to ring both before and after the service, but our Tower Captains respectfully ask that ringers wear face masks and use hand sanitiser before taking hold, and do not overcrowd the ringing room.

We appreciate many people live a long way from Ramsey and many will not wish or be unable to come. The family would like to thank everyone who has written or emailed for their kind words and fond memories of Doug.

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