Master's Christmas 2014 Musings

Committee and Team meetings have been a little like the proverbial London buses, none for some time and then four within a short time. To my shame, I forgot to go to the Training and Recruitment Team’s meeting. This was obviously a very busy meeting with a good number of training sessions being arranged. These ranged from “Kaleidoscope on Tour” “Good Practice Seminar 13th March” at Steyning and some workshops prior to the AGM in the Hastings area in May. These are innovative ideas so please do support the members of the TARTS team in their vision. The Publicity Team has also met. There is still a great need for a Team Leader. I seem to write this is in all of my various writings as Master of the Association. The meeting agreed to purchase a light weight exhibition stand that can be carried in a canvas bag by one person. At the Bell Restoration Fund meeting we enjoyed, for a few moments the antics of an uninvited guest at the home of the Graham Hills. Although the family cat had been ejected he left a little present! A tiny mouse was heard rustling behind a chair. With some deft moves by the Chairman of the Committee, the mouse was trapped, humanely, under a tin tray and put outside to join the cat! The fourth meeting was to discuss the Financial Policy for the Association. Again a very productive meeting and it is hoped that the fruits of the meeting will be presented at the next General Committee meeting.

I have presented two 50 year membership certificates recently. The first one to Bernard Miles of Slaugham and the second recipient was Roy Tappenden, recently of Burwash. Congratulations to both of them. More details will be in the next edition of Soundbow.

Something I have noticed for a long time is the following scenario: at practice a question is asked of one person and suddenly about four people chip in with some “helpful” hints. How can one person take in four people talking at the same time giving differing “advice”? This is not at all helpful and can often lead to confusion. Please take a deep breath before adding to any confusion.

I really enjoyed the Western District’s Carol Service last week. It was lovely to sing Advent carols and to catch up with friends on the other side of the County.

At the last General Committee I informed those present that I will not be standing for Master at the next AGM in May. I have found it to be a very difficult time and my health has not been too good. Please give a lot of thought to a successor so that there are names put forward at the District meetings in February. However, do make sure that if you nominate anybody for any of the offices that you have asked their permission.

The Baldock’s Christmas decorations box has reached the hallway and the holly wreath is on the front door. We are having a quiet Christmas Day but will be entertaining our children and their spouses, grandchildren and great grandchild on the following Sunday. Some shopping has been done, presents made or bought and list of things to do still in my head. I am not too sure if I will cross everything off the list. Christmas for me starts at the Christingle service on Christmas Eve when I can then focus on the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ who came into the world to save us from our sins.

I will you all a Happy and Blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with plenty of ringing.

Christine Baldock

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