Sussex Quarter Peal Week 1 - 8 April

It’s Sussex quarter peal week this year 1 - 8 April, leading up to the “Songs of praise service” at St Swithuns Church East Grinstead Saturday 8th April from 3.30pm, remembering Sussex Bellringers of the First World War. Quarter Peal week serves to raise the profile of ringing and gives ringers opportunities to progress.

The aim is to have as many quarter peals as possible rung in the Association during the week, with as many ’firsts’ as possible, 1st quarter peal, 1st in method, 1st at another tower, 1st for Sussex Quarter Peal week, 1st Julie McDonnell?

See the poster for more information. Please also please read this article you may find interesting: Quarters are good for you!

Remember to link your performance to the Sussex County Association — Quarter Peal Week on Bellboard! Follow this link and if you’re not sure how to do it, please ask! (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

What is Quarter Peal Week...?

Why bother?
It’s really nice for the District to come together to help each other achieve personal goals and targets, and help each other progress. Ringing Quarter Peals gives us that shared aim and that shared target for us to aim for.

Quarter Peals are the ideal ringing that really does help ringers learn a method they are focusing on. Ringing something for a longer period than just a touch at a practice night really gives time to familiarise ourselves with the method.

The main focus of the event would be to give people the chance to ring/call something for the first time, or to ring something they’ve been wanting to ring for a while but haven’t had the local band to manage. Not everyone feels able to organise Quarter Peals and sometimes a tower may be one short for something they have been wanting to try. This special period of ringing will ensure we all work together to achieve something we have been wanting to achieve.

How would it work?
Quarter Peals during the period could be in one of the following ways;
a) Organise your own attempts during this period and put it on Bellboard where it will be picked up or let your newsletter editor know if you are unsure how to put it on Bellboard.
b) You may start to organise a Quarter Peal and find they are short a few ringers, or a conductor, and in this instance the Association Officers (see below) will work with you to help complete the band from other willing district members.

If you require help Your District Secretary, Graham Hills (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Sandra Alford (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) may be able to help by putting you in contact with other ringers in your area who may be able to help.

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