Membership renewals 2015

Membership subscriptions for 2015 are now due and remain unchanged for Adults at £8 with an increase for Juniors to £4. The yellow forms have been mailed to your tower correspondent - please do ensure you check your details are correct. We ask that each tower pays their total subscription by cheque (or BACS) to their district secretary by 31 January so do please ensure that you have made your payment as appropriate to your tower in the next two weeks.


The new rules allow for new members to join the Association immediately, as long as the appropriate membership form has been completed with a proposer and seconder. A blank form has been sent to each tower correspondent to copy and is available on the website. The guidelines on membership were recently updated and are as follows:

a) New members must complete the membership application form and submit this along with payment
b) New members should be able to ring rounds unaided and to lower a bell safely as a minimum

All unattached or non-resident members are asked to contact their district secretary via post or email to arrange their renewal.


Please take a moment to look at your tower's listing on the website and if it needs updating - please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. now and at any time in the year.


Contact your district secretary or any officers of the Association with queries, comments and suggestions.

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