
As a charity regulated by the Charity Commission (reg number 268588), SCACR has three grant-giving funds. Please click on the name of the Fund to find out more about it and its Terms of Reference.

Many SCACR events fund-raise for these Funds through raffles, collections and by donating profits from an event. We also receive donations and legacies from individuals, towers and PCCs.

If you would like to make a one-off donation or set up a regular standing order for donations to any of these funds, please do so as follows:

By card payment:

Members can sign-in to our online store and donate via card payment. This is the fastest and easiest option for the majority of members. No password is required.

By bank transfer:
Our bank details are:
Sort-code: 40-52-40
Account No: 00002642
Account name: Sussex County Association of Change Ringers (it is a charity/business account)
Please specify the Fund to which you wish to donate by including either BRF, SYRF or DEV in the reference field on your transfer.

By cheque:
All cheques should be made payable to Sussex County Association of Change Ringers (or SCACR is also acceptable). Please do NOT include the name of the Fund on the payee line - write this on the back of the cheque instead. We do not have separate bank accounts for each Fund. Your cheque should be sent to SCACR Treasurer, 1 Southdown Terrace, Steyning BN44 3YJ.

Gift Aid
SCACR is registered with HMRC and is able to claim Gift Aid on your donation if it is eligible. Please complete the Gift Aid Declaration, and return this to the Treasurer at the above address, or scan and email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you for your donation to our Funds. Our grant activities are only made possible through your kind support.

Risk Assessments for Practices and Events

To be covered by SCACR insurance, a Risk Assessment for every Association or District event must be completed and emailed to the Secretary in advance. The Risk Assessment is a process that will help you consider the hazards associated with any activity, and put in place control measures to mitigate the risks.

To help you complete the Risk Assessments for your planned activities, this page includes example risk assessments for different types of activities and guidance on how to complete yours.

How to use the Sample Risk Assessments

The example Risk Assessments provide a starting point for you when planning your activity.

The event/activity leader is responsible for initiating the thinking about the possible risks and how the leader can reduce them. Your risk assessment serves as a communication tool so that everyone who appears on the responsible column is clear. It is very important that each action has a person assigned as responsible. Please delete any parts that are not relevant to your activity. Please add any rows of risks that you think of, that are not included.

The five sample risk assessments have been chosen to cover a variety of situations:

  • No ringing / ringing at one tower / ringing at multiple towers
  • A one-off event / a regular scheduled event
  • A single person in charge / shared responsibilities
  • Catering provided / no catering

Example Risk Assessments [links to downloadable Word docs]:

  1. Training Day – with ringing and catering [PDF] [Word (editable)]
  2. ADM – ringing at multiple towers, ringers’ tea, business meeting [PDF] [Word (editable)]
  3. Social Event – quiz with fish & chips supper [PDF] [Word (editable)]
  4. District Outing – ringing at multiple, unfamiliar towers [PDF] [Word (editable)]
  5. Regular District Practice – evening ringing at one tower [PDF] [Word (editable)]

The example risk assessments have been provided by five different people and therefore have different styles.

We strongly recommend that each individual tower also has its own Risk Assessment (including individual information about that tower, e.g. access, lighting, emergency procedures). Association event/practice Risk Assessments can then reference the relevant tower Risk Assessment(s).

Should you want any help, please contact your District Secretary. Once completed please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as a copy is needed for insurance purposes.

Ringing Remembers: 1,400 new ringers for Armistice Day 2018

UPDATE 28 Oct 2018: You can put Sussex on the map by adding your Armistice ringing to the government website (no need to register) and if you'd like a certificate and a mention in the Ringing World add it to the Bellboard event, photos encouraged! Read more here.

In November 2017, an exciting new campaign was launched to recruit 1,400 new bell ringers to participate in the 2018 Armistice Day commemoration. 2018 will be the centenary of the end of World War I, in which more than 50 Sussex ringers lost their lives. Over 2000 ringing recruits have now registered for Ringing Remembers, with 98 so far in Sussex!

Learn to Ring for Armistice Day 2018

Have you heard about the 'Ringing Remembers' campaign? Are you interested in learning to ring and taking part in ringing for Armistice Day 2018? If so, please take a look at our Learning to Ring page and register your interest here.

Recruitment Ideas and Resources

Is your band looking for new recruits for 'Ringing Remembers'? Here's some suggestions:

"This project gives us the opportunity to raise the profile of ringing and develop a relationship with community networks to provide new bell ringers. Ringing Remembers is a poignant and significant programme which appropriately acknowledges the sacrifices made by so many, aspiring to a living legacy for ringing."
Alan Regin MBE

Read more: Ringing Remembers: 1,400 new ringers for Armistice Day 2018

SCACR Clothing

The Association clothing and other items are ordered direct from a supplier rather than going via the Association coordinator. There is an extensive range of clothing available (many different styles/colours/sizes) and also other items, such as headwear, ties, bags.

To make your selection please visit where you can order on-line, or having visited the site you can contact the company to order by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone 01903 766228. When ordering on-line please insert SCACR in the notes section when you ‘check out’ to identify your choice of logo. You do not need to set up an account to place an order but if you choose to do so, the logo will then be saved to your account for future orders.

There are delivery costs involved so it might be a good idea to get an order together with other members of your tower/Association or you can collect from the company at 91a South Street, Lancing BN15 8AP (see opening hours on their website). VAT is added to orders.

So get ordering to spoil yourself and advertise your passion for ringing at the same time.

Any queries please contact Sue Gotham via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Upcoming Events

Sat Mar 15 @10:30
Buxted 8 bell Practice
Thu Mar 20
Sat Mar 22
Two Tower Practice