Sponsored Places Available for ART Conference!

Interested in ringing, teaching and leadership?

Our lovely Alan Collings is once again generously offering to sponsor 10 places on the 2019 Association of Ringing Teachers (ART) Conference being held at Worcester on 2nd & 3rd March 2019. The ART Annual Conference is an inspiring and enjoyable weekend, with leading speakers sharing best practice from their ringing as well as ideas from other activities and professions. Continuing last year's successful partnership with the CCCBR, the second day of the conference is organised by the newly formed Volunteer and Leadership Workgroup and focuses on youth development and leadership.

The conference is open to all ringers. Book your place now - together we can make a difference.

Further information can be found at http://ringingteachers.org/news/conference

If you would like to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, or obtain further details, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please note, Alan's sponsorship covers ticket price only, all other expenses e.g. travel costs, accommodation if necessary, to be paid for by applicant.

Tickets are now on sale. The Sussex members who attended last year found it interesting and extremely worthwhile. In 2017, one Sussex ringer even came away with a new set of handbells!

Alan specialises in restoration of handbells, and will be in Worcester with handbells for sale and also to discuss repairs etc. for any handbells you may already use. Alan kindly brought the Dewbys Bells mini-ring to support the SCACR presence at the South of England Show in June 2018. He's always extremely supportive of the Association, and we thank him for his continued generosity.

Thank you Alan!

 Alan at the ART conferenceAlan at ART conference

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Sat Mar 15 @10:30
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Thu Mar 20
Sat Mar 22
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