First 10 bell quarter peal by a resident SCACR ladies band

QP Band

What is believed to be the first 10 bell quarter peal by a resident SCACR ladies band was successfully rung at St Margaret’s, Warnham on Monday 27th May.

All 4 Districts were represented, with several more ladies keen to support future ventures. Grandsire Caters was the chosen method and the good quality of ringing showed off the musical composition nicely, expertly called by Rachel – her first as Conductor on 10.

Well done to all the ladies involved. We hear there are already plans afoot for the next challenge ...

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The band are pictured in ringing order, clockwise from front right:

1 Margaret Sherwood
2 Louise Pink
3 Margaret Oram
4 Steph Pendlebury
5 Anne Franklin
6 Rachel Mahoney (C)
7 Isabel Woodward
8 Sandra Alford
9 Abigail C Fairhurst
10 Elaine Farrow

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