Northern District Wraps Up 2019 Events with a Festive Practice

As has become traditional, the last Northern District Saturday Gathering of the year was ringing with mulled wine (or mulled juice!) and mince pies. We received a warm welcome at Hartfield, and made the most of the new kitchen area and loo there, not to mention the lovely ring of 6 easy-going bells. By the end of the afternoon there were 16 ringers, from 9 different towers. Ringing was rounds onwards and included rounds and call changes, Cambridge (both a plain course and a touch), Kent, Beverley and Surfleet.

The committee is currently putting together the programme of Saturday events for 2020 – do get in touch (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you have any requests or suggestions, or if your tower would like to host an event. Maybe you would like a practice focused on a particular method, or have an idea for a social event, or you’d like to host a Pickled Egg session at your tower… Let us know! The first Saturday Gathering of 2019 will be ringing and brunch on 4th January.

The Northern District Committee is a very friendly bunch of people who plan and organise the Monday practices and Saturday events. We’re always happy to be joined by new members who’d like to support the District! It’s really helpful to have members at all stages in their ringing career, whether just starting to learn or already very experienced. If you’re interested in getting involved, please do get in touch – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (or grab me to have a chat about it next time you see me).

Steph Pendlebury

2019 12 mince pie ringing


2019 12 mince pie mulled wine

SCACR Webmaster Richard in charge of the mulled wine – with Northern District Ringing Master

2019 12 mince pie Chris Small FAB Xmas jumper

Chris Small in his FABulous Christmas jumper!


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Sat Jan 25 @10:15
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