Communications and Events Team update (Jan 2019)

Communications continue to evolve across the Association - I hope you noticed our new personalised emails from SCACR central. The first one was the Christmas message from Rob Lane our new (Acting) Master of the Association in December. He suggested the novel idea and Richard Pendlebury our Webmaster acted swiftly and made it happen. Have a look at your latest District or Association email because its written directly to you! We have an idea how many of you follow links to open and read District Newsletters and it’s not everyone, so if its too much trouble then why not ask for a postal copy? One of our District Secretaries feels that communication by post to tower correspondents is better for attendance figures at monthly practices as we DO read notices in our ringing rooms more than emails perhaps. Please let us have your thoughts, it’s YOUR Association and YOUR views matter.

The website calendar, District Newsletters and diary sheets are full of news and events around the county. I managed to get to three out of four District meetings planning events for the following year and am full of admiration to all of you for organising and supporting the monthly gatherings. It takes a while if you’re new, but once you’ve got the hang of the rota (1st Saturday West, 2nd Saturday North, 3rd Saturday South, 4th Saturday East) you can plan quite far ahead and take comfort that you’ll catch up with and make new friends at other towers, enjoy a splendid ringers tea, an outing, a walk, a quiz or whatever is on offer that day.

Next month February sees the Annual District Meetings (ADM’s) so by the time you read this we’ll hopefully have a few more names on the District teams to help with everything, so those who have been on the committees for a while can have a rest and hand over to someone else to take a turn. Many hands make light work so the more volunteers we have the less there is for each one to do! If you’d like to give something back and help out but are not sure what would suit or what is available/needed, then please get in touch. A lot of people work or have other time-consuming commitments so it makes sense to share and helps us all own our Association. The minutes of the District, Team and General meetings are on the website Resources page, so if you can’t make a meeting or want to know what was discussed and agreed you can always have a look.

Allan Collings of Dewbys Bells has again this year generously offered to sponsor up to 10 SCACR members to attend to the Annual Association of Ringing Teachers (ART) Conference and Awards which this year will be held in Worcester 2nd and 3rd March 2019. Its open to everyone and boasts an unrivalled host of experts and speakers from ringing and beyond. Day 2 the Sunday, ‘Vision for the Future of Youth Ringing’ is run by the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (CCCBR) and offers subsidised places for youth in full time education.

Hope to see you out and about somewhere. Bellringers are team workers and tremendously supportive of each other. It’s reassuring to know you are part of a big family wherever you go, the language is the same and you’ll find a welcome wherever there’s a ‘Look to’!

Alison Everett
SCACR Communications & Events Team Leader

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Sat Mar 15 @10:30
Buxted 8 bell Practice
Thu Mar 20
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