Updates for members from GCM - January 2021

Zoom screenshot

The first monthly General Committee Meeting of 2021 was held on zoom on 2nd January.  Hamish McNaughton confirmed that the Risk Management Policy has now been completed and is on the website, and that the updated Safeguarding Policy would also be available on the website shortly, subject to proof-reading.

We discussed the forthcoming ADMs and agreed that these would be conducted via Zoom with facility for online voting (to be trialled before the meetings take place).  It is also likely that the AGM will be held on Zoom.

There is now an Association Zoom account, controlled by the Master, Rob Lane (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), for SCACR use.  The Events calendar will be used to govern usage (and prevent clashes).  Please get in touch with Rob if you would like to use the Association Zoom account for an Association/District online practice or event.

Sue Child has agreed to continue as Safeguarding Officer until the AGM.  Proposals for new officers need to be made at ADMs.  Team Leaders (volunteers who do not require election) are needed for both Young Ringers and Training & Recruitment - please consider volunteering, and get in touch with Rob if you think you could help.

Sue Gadd reported that all 2020 subscriptions have now been settled.  Plans are in progress to enable members to update their own membership details via the website.  There are currently about 150 members who do not have email addresses and we need to encourage as many as possible to provide email addresses.  It is hoped that 2021 subscriptions will be collected by Tower correspondents and paid into the SCACR account via BACS.

Regarding Association activities, the Christmas quiz was very successful.  Future activities include another Handbell morning on January 30th and a proposal by Jonathan Franklin to supplement the novices’ weekly online practice with a ‘moving on’ practice.  Details will be discussed at the next online practice – please do tell Steph (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Jonathan what you’d like to work on.

Alison Everett drew the Committee’s attention to the Survival and Recovery Programme initiated by the Central Council and ART, which suggests that societies identify ‘Recovery Champions’ to become part of a national network to coordinate ideas and information and to assist with planning in local areas.  We discussed how Sussex should respond to this and agreed that a Recovery Champion should be sought for each District - more details on the news article.  If you’re interested in becoming a Recovery Champion, please get in touch with Hamish (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 

The next GCM will be held on the first Saturday in March (no meeting in February because of ADMs).

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