Nominate someone for an ART Award

Do you know someone who’s making a difference and making things happen? Then don’t be shy. Say thank-you by nominating them for an award, and if they win, they’ll receive a substantial cash prize to spend on a ringing related activity or product.

It doesn’t matter if they are an ART Member or have never even heard of ART, anyone can apply, anyone can be nominated and anyone can win. If you already have someone in mind, then fly over to: and download an application form. You have until 31 December 2023 to get your nomination in, so now is the right time to start collecting quotes, photos, statistics and testimonials, to show just how good your ringing hero is.

We have a new award this year – the Band or Cluster of the Year. Think commitment to improving ringing standards, think building a sustainable future for ringing, think results. A timely addition to the ART Awards portfolio when we’re all concentrating on building the future of ringing.

CANCELLED: Barn Dance - Sat 18 Nov 2023 at Hurstpierpoint

UPDATE: 19 Oct 2023: Event cancelled due to lack of interest.

Saturday 18 November, 7pm @ The Village Centre, Hurstpierpoint, BN6 9UY.

Join us for a traditional Barn Dance and raise funds for the Sussex Young Ringers. Bring your own drinks and refreshments (cutlery / crockery available).
Tickets £8 in advance here or £10 on the door
Under 18s free (donation welcome)

Fun for the whole family. Tea, coffee and squash available, BYO drinks / snacks. Raffle 

Contact Marisa 07796 145464

Great Result for Sussex Young Ringers at RWNYC 2023!

Sussex Young Ringers achieved a superb 2nd place at the Ringing World National Youth Contest in York. Competing against 16 other teams in the Call Change contest, they were narrowly beaten by Durham & Newcastle. This year’s band included two new members – ringers from Southover, Lewes.

Michael Shaw captained the band, devising a set of call changes to meet the requirements of the contest: 160 rows of changes to include 2 of the 3 changes, Queens, Tittums and Whittingtons. After 3 focused practices during June, plus some additional coaching from Michael, the team were ready to go.

St Lawrence was a 30-minute hike from our city centre accommodation but we made it in good time for photos and nervous chatter. Being drawn first isn’t usually ideal, but for young ringers, the prospect of turning up, ringing and getting on with the rest of the day is just fine. What a day that was – a tailormade itinerary taking us to most of the city centre towers by foot, the highlight being a slot midday to ring at York Minster 12, 59-1-23. The ringing here was run by Simon Edwards who many in Sussex will know as a founding member of the Lilliputter’s Guild. We joined with two other counties and ringing was deftly arranged to ensure all had a fair go at these glorious bells. The experience of ringing on a ring with the fourth heaviest tenor in the country was certainly a challenge – needing each stroke on all bells 1-8 to be held up to accommodate the larger bells slow swing. Opportunity to ring the Tenor came to all who wanted, so many of the Sussex team had a go and everyone of the team made Sussex proud.

Results were delivered at the Central Methodist Church and Sussex was sat in the Choir stalls at the front, opposite our Surrey Striker friends! It was a thrill to see to SYR alumni on the podium as assistant judges – Molly Smith and Rachel Mahoney - and they were clearly pleased with what they had heard! In contest tradition, a number of thank yous were delivered and then it was results time: Results were read in reverse order. Not hearing any of the other teams’ performances meant we had no idea where we might be,  but we all knew we stood a good chance of Top 5. As places reduced, we sat nervously awaiting the final 2 results… there was that anticipation that we might have done it: Team 1 (Sussex) was called in 2nd Place and with massive grins the team collected their medals from the RWNYC team and returned to their seats to applaud Durham & Newcastle into 1st place.

York 2023 was a huge success for Sussex but we say farewell to 3 band members this year as they go on to University. Katherine Quigley (Billingshurst) joined SYR in 2016 in London, Jonathan Martin (Hurst) joined in 2021 at Worcester and Michael Shaw has been part of the RWNYC contest since Liverpool 2019.

Sussex Young Ringers will be going to the RWNYC London on Saturday 6 July 2024. If you are a young ringer, you know a young ringer – get that date in the diary.

Meanwhile we continue to meet for ringing and fun – our next mini-outing is on Friday 28 July and everyone is welcome!

Soundbow will carry a full report of the weekend, including details of a challenging quarter peal scored on the SYR handbells.                                       

Marisa Hayes

2023 08 RWNYC tower

W&P Guild: Fundraising Tower Open Day for Ropley - 30 Sep 2023

The A&P District in the W&P Guild are organising a Fundraising Open Day at the end of September to help raise funds to restore the bells at Ropley, where the church was destroyed by fire in 2014. Fundraising to re-hang the bells is still ongoing after nearly 10 years… if you only support one Tower Open Day this year, make it this one!

Full details here:

With 24 Towers situated in the South Downs National Park and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, ringing in the Alton & Petersfield District is a special treat!

  • Recently augmented, restored and rarely available Towers!
  • Refreshments (bacon rolls/lunches/afternoon tea) served throughout the day.
  • All Towers manned with local ringers, so ringing can always take place on the full set of bells.
  • Prize for anyone who manages to ring at all 24 towers during the day!

Share the day with non-ringing friends, who can enjoy shopping in the lovely market towns of Alton or Petersfield, visiting Jane Austen’s house at Chawton or The Wakes Museum (Gilbert White’s house) at Selborne…..or even a trip on the Watercress Line Steam Railway!

EARLY BIRD DAY TICKETS: £18 in advance (access to all 24 open towers)

Pay on the day: £2 per Tower, or DAY TICKETS £20 (available from the Stewards at any Tower).

Any changes will be listed/notified via

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