Congratulations Sussex Young Ringers 2022!
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Published: Saturday, 02 July 2022 18:39
Sussex Young Ringers are celebrating a fantastic win at the Ringing World National Youth Contest in Exeter at the weekend. The band entered the method ringing category and scored 9/10, narrowly beating the Lancashire Lads and Lasses and another 5 teams. I am sure you would want to join with me in congratulating the team on their success.
Also a big thank you to all the adults who ensured the team not only made it to the competition but also the various practice sessions. Thanks also to Marisa and her team of helpers in organising the Young Ringers activities.
A full report and more pictures to follow. Meanwhile, the BellBoard homepage has the full results.
(In the photo, L-R: Katherine, Jonathan, Samuel, Francesco, Michael, Kye and Luca, reserve.)

Association update - June 2022
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Published: Thursday, 16 June 2022 22:46
SCACR’s new Master, Gareth Higgs (Warnham) kicked off his first meeting by welcoming himself as a new member of the General Committee. Vicky Chase is another new member; she agreed to become Communications & Events Team Leader at the AGM in May, and has also taken on the role of Training & Recruitment Team Leader. Our thanks to Rob Lane for his four years of service as Master, leading us through particularly tough times during the global pandemic, and also to Alison Everett for her work as Comms & Events Team Leader.
Due to the minor matter of a global pandemic, we haven’t had an Association Social event for the last couple of years. These have previously taken the form of a formal (or less formal) dinner, a barn dance with supper, quiz, etc - it’s a lovely opportunity to get together with other ringers (and families) from across the Association. So we’re keen to get these going again! If you have an idea for an event, or could volunteer some time to help organise it, please do get in touch with Vicky (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
We also discussed Association and District provision of training. Ideally, training events would take place throughout the year, and cover a range of different levels of ringing. But which ringers need what kind of training? We want to find out what you would find helpful - complete this short survey (5 minutes) to help us plan future training sessions and courses. If you could help us to organise a training session - or if you’d be willing to lead one - please let us know (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Good luck to our Young Ringers striking competition team, who are competing in the Ringing World National Youth Contest at Exeter on Saturday 2nd July! We hope you have a fantastic time in Exeter.
The Association Library is a collection of books, records, papers, magazines and photographs. Although some of the materials are specific to Sussex and the SCACR, a large number of items are not. The future of the Library has been considered carefully by the Trustees, who proposed that its contents be considerably reduced:
- All books and material not directly related to the SCACR and member Towers be disposed of by sale if possible and all funds raised to be credited to the Bell Restoration Fund;
- The remaining contents to be reviewed, scanned and made available online to Members for research;
- The remaining Library to be kept at a suitable place as agreed by the Trustees at the expense of the Association as may be approved.
This proposal was approved by members at the AGM in May. Previous Library items will be available to buy in due course.
Save the date for the next (in-person!) Handbell morning - Saturday 3rd September. Unfortunately we are unable to hold the Handbell Morning on July 30th. It is now planned for September 3rd. As soon as a suitable venue has been found, the SCACR website will be updated.
Finally, the Annual Report and Handbook has been printed - copies will be available for members to collect soon…!
Steph Pendlebury (Northern District Secretary), on behalf of the General Committee