Soundbow October 2019 Communications & Events update

Communications & Events update for Soundbow October 2019

Autumn is here again, the days are getting shorter and we are planning our winter and Christmas events.

In September the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (CCCBR) held their Annual Meeting at Goldsmith’s College, London, see SCACR Master Rob Lane’s article on our website: It was a great weekend, open to all ringers, with ringing at local towers, tours of St Pauls, a mini ringing roadshow including Alan Collings with Dewbys Bells and Handbell recovery, John Norris and his dumbell, both with their teams of loyal volunteer helpers from Sussex and there were plenty of other things to see and do, in addition to the business meeting.

We held our Quarter Peal week again this year to mark Heritage Open Days 2019 held over two weekends 13-22 September and created an event ‘Sussex County Association — Quarter Peal event’ on Bellboard to link performances and publish in the Ringing World. Please make sure yours is linked. Next year it will be 11-20 September so save the dates and think about planning an Open Tower or fundraising event to take advantage of the fee publicity and marketing material available by registering and encouraging everyone to get involved.

Richard Pendlebury our Webmaster continues to work to keep the website safe and up to date.  We now have a new drop-down menu called ‘Belfry Babble’ for these Soundbow updates and other news/blog items of interest to Sussex ringers.  We are also aiming to create a storage area for Central Council updates and information sent to all affiliated Associations, like ourselves. We feel its useful for members to know where they can find information and share it online if they’d like to.  Remember we store minutes of our General and District Committee meetings too, as well as the District Newsletters you receive by email.  We are very grateful to the volunteers who give their time to arrange practices, outings and social events and keep us up to date with these and the ringing opportunities for SCACR members.  New helpers are always welcome, don’t hesitate to step forward at your District’s ADM in February and let them know what you like doing, be it baking cakes, taking photos, designing posters – there is always something to do!

I shall be taking more of a back seat in the team after spending three years as SCACR Communications & Events Team Leader and would like to thank everyone for their support and patient explanations.

Remember we’re on facebook  look for @SussexBellringers – SCACR page, or join the SCACR facebook group (private to keep you safe).  Follow twitter @scacr_bells is the Association account, search using the hashtag #bellringing and remember to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you’d like to help out in any way.

Alison Everett

Communication & Events Team

Communications and Events Team update (July 2019)

Last time I wrote we were planning for another year at the South of England Show with the Chichester Diocese – see the report in Soundbow.

The AGM was hosted in May by the Eastern District in Eastbourne and very well attended. Ringing was enjoyed at Eastbourne towers: Christ Church, St Mary’s, St. Saviours and All Saints, followed by a Service, tea and the AGM at which there was a really great atmosphere. Marion Hollands the Eastern Secretary and the District team put a huge amount of work into making the event a great success.

Read more: Communications and Events Team update (July 2019)

South of England Show Thursday 6th – Saturday 8th June 2019

Another successful year at the South of England Show with the Diocese of Chichester who let us have a good number of complimentary passes. Marisa Hayes kindly organised the printing of a stock of stickers for SCACR to say ‘I rang the bells’, which go down particularly well with the school groups and youngsters attending the show.

In return for offering to help for half a day on the mini belfry, each volunteer had the opportunity to spend the rest of the day looking around the show, and with tickets at over £18 each we filled the spaces in good time. I found out the hard way though that the wristbands we were issued (instead of the flat complementary tickets) need padded envelopes to survive the rigours of the postal system’s mechanical franking machines – some turned up in torn envelopes, others were delayed considerably!

Read more: South of England Show Thursday 6th – Saturday 8th June 2019

Communications and Events Team update (April 2019)

Welcome to all our new members who joined the Sussex County Association as a result of the Ringing Remembers campaign, sponsored by the Government in collaboration with the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers to recruit new ringers to honour those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the liberties we enjoy today. Welcome to a big friendly family of bellringers around the UK and the world, but for now, while you’re learning this special art, here in Sussex. Bellringing is an important part of church life, and by honouring those who went before us we are keeping the tradition and our communities alive. We’re keeping our minds and bodies healthy too, making new friends and learning to value the importance of volunteering. Weekly practice and ringing for Sunday service is a much-valued contribution, thank you. If you have other skills you can offer, belfry maintenance, social media, organising events, photographer, fundraising, upholstery, baking, tidying the ringing room, you name it we’ll use it – let us know! Our Association is what we make it.

Read more: Communications and Events Team update (April 2019)

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Sat Mar 15 @10:30
Buxted 8 bell Practice
Thu Mar 20
Sat Mar 22
Two Tower Practice