Highlights from the November General Committee meeting

The first word that springs to mind when you hear the phrase “committee meeting” may well be “boooorrrring!”, but hopefully you’ll find several things of interest in this quick summary!

Read more: Highlights from the November General Committee meeting

Successful first Association online course

Successful first Association online course: Intro to Plain Hunt on Ringing Room

Great fun was had by all, and excellent progress made by the learners, on the SCACR’s first ever online ringing course. Seven learners and ten helpers assembled on Zoom on the morning of Saturday 14th November, ready to tackle Plain Hunt Doubles. The learners had varying degrees of tower bell experience, ranging from just starting out on Plain Hunt to being able to call simple touches of Doubles methods. The session started with everyone introducing themselves. Anne Franklin then explained the basic theory, after which we split into two groups to practise on Ringing Room (many of the helpers were strangely delighted at the opportunity to “bag” a new virtual tower!).

Read more: Successful first Association online course

Change Ringing Handbell Morning (Nov 2020)

Following-on from the successful Handbell morning of 19 September, another event will be held on 28th November.

This event is open to all, especially:

  • Handbell groups in Sussex and near by
  • Those who enjoy change ringing on handbells but do not have a regular practice
  • Those who want to have a go

If you are not used to the technology, there will be a familiarization session from 9.45am to 12.30pm on Saturday 21st November 2020.

On the day, there will be three focus groups:

  • Plain hunting to Plain Bob
  • Plain Bob to Treble Bob
  • Beyond Treble Bob

If you would like to join in please email Hamish McNaughton at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating which of the focus groups you would like to join and whether you would like to take advantage of the familiarization session. Information regarding logging into Zoom and the Ringing Rooms will be supplied to those wishing to attend.

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Lockdown in England - Ringing restrictions

Folks, no doubt you are all aware that as of yesterday (05/11/20) the country is now under a new lockdown (albeit with slight variations on the last one), while the government attempts to deal with a surge in Coronavirus cases.

Unfortunately for us that means that once again ringing has to stop. Church services have been prohibited, along with social gatherings of people from outside your own household.

The CCCBR - Central Council of Church Bell Ringers has issued some guidance on lockdown and also the tolling of a single bell for Remembrance Sunday

Please continue to support each other during this difficult time, and do get in touch if you have any further questions.

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