Wanted: Survival and Recovery Champions!

survival and recovery logo

Nobody wants any towers to fall silent as a result of the coronavirus pandemic (or anything else!). In Sussex, we are holding weekly online ringing practices using Ringing Room, and many towers are also arranging virtual get-togethers and practices. Do you have great ideas about how to keep ringers engaged during the restrictions, or are you looking for ideas? Could you be one of the SCACR’s Recovery Champions?

As we enter the tenth month of ringing restriction, the Central Council and Association of Ringing Teachers (ART) have been working together to identify ways to make the return to ringing as successful as possible. Obviously, we will have to wait a while longer for any significant return to start, so it’s not just about planning for the future but also focusing on the now – staying in contact with people and maintaining their interest in ringing.

Read more: Wanted: Survival and Recovery Champions!

Updates for members from GCM - January 2021

Zoom screenshot

The first monthly General Committee Meeting of 2021 was held on zoom on 2nd January.  Hamish McNaughton confirmed that the Risk Management Policy has now been completed and is on the website, and that the updated Safeguarding Policy would also be available on the website shortly, subject to proof-reading.

We discussed the forthcoming ADMs and agreed that these would be conducted via Zoom with facility for online voting (to be trialled before the meetings take place).  It is also likely that the AGM will be held on Zoom.

There is now an Association Zoom account, controlled by the Master, Rob Lane (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), for SCACR use.  The Events calendar will be used to govern usage (and prevent clashes).  Please get in touch with Rob if you would like to use the Association Zoom account for an Association/District online practice or event.

Read more: Updates for members from GCM - January 2021

Change Ringing Handbell Morning (Jan 2021)

Following-on from the successful Handbell mornings of 19 September and 28 November, another event will be held on 30th January 2021.

This event is open to all, especially:

  • Handbell groups in Sussex and near by
  • Those who enjoy change ringing on handbells but do not have a regular practice
  • Those who want to have a go

If you are not used to the technology, there will be a familiarization session from 9.45am to 12.30pm on Saturday 23rd January 2020.

On the day, there will be three focus groups:

  • Plain hunting to Plain Bob
  • Plain Bob to Treble Bob
  • Beyond Treble Bob

If you would like to join in please email Hamish McNaughton at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating which of the focus groups you would like to join and whether you would like to take advantage of the familiarization session. Information regarding logging into Zoom and the Ringing Rooms will be supplied to those wishing to attend.

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Christmas Ringing Update

The CCCBR - Central Council of Church Bell Ringers have today (21 Dec) issued an update regarding Christmas ringing, and ringing in Tier 4 areas (Hastings and Rother in the Eastern District come under Tier 4) which can be found here: https://cccbr.org.uk/2020/12/21/christmas-ringing-and-tier-4-england/

Ultimately the message is simple, think whether ringing is really necessary.

Whilst Christmas is usually a time for celebration, when we ring out to wish peace on earth and good will to all, we are this year faced with a double edged sword; the much anticipated good news that a vaccine has been developed and is now being rolled out to those most vulnerable, combined with the unwanted mutation of COVID-19 into a more transmissible virus.

In the past week the number of infections within Sussex has risen in all areas (except Horsham), in Adur alone they have tripled. This is worrying news indeed and reason enough to think twice before mixing with others unnecessarily.

The end of this pandemic is on the horizon, but it would seem that things are going to get tougher over the next few months, before they get better. We need to show one last push of determined resolve to fend this disease off and help keep each other safe.

This year has been tough on all of us and we have lost friends and family along the way, but I am immensely proud of how we have all pulled together and kept the spirit of our Association alive.

I sincerely hope that 2021 is a better year, and that once the vaccine is rolled out on a large scale that we can come together and enjoy ringing together once more.

Please stay safe this Christmas.

Rob Lane (Master)

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