Association Quiz - Saturday 8th August (via Zoom)

The not-quite-annual Association Quiz will be held at 7 pm on Saturday 8th August. Team entry is encouraged - friends and family are welcome to join; up to 8 in a team (you can also enter as an individual). Quiz Mistress Emma Gadd will present the questions using Zoom (an online video-meeting platform - can be downloaded for free, to use on computers, tablets and smartphones). See below for a how-to guide for distributed team participation! We aim to finish about 9 pm, and there will be a break at halfway.

You MUST register in advance to join - contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5 pm on 8th August (earlier is better!), then the link to join the Quiz will be sent to you.

Read more in the calendar including Guide to Zoom Quiz and Managing a Remote Team

Returning to Service Ringing

Last week the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers announced that discussions to allow a return to ringing were well underway with the Church of England. These discussions have resulted in guidance being issued by the Central Council that will help towers in Sussex to prepare for the resumption of ringing.

The guidance documents from the Central Council can be found here ( [UPDATE 4 July] The CC have published a list of Frequently Asked Questions (and answers!)

When ringing returns it will be a cautious and limited return to service ringing. It won’t be all of the bells and it won’t be all of the ringers. It’ll be ringing, but not as we know it! The Church of England has now issued official guidance for the resumption of services from 4th July. This includes a statement (page 9) that bellringing is permitted, subject to the CCCBR guidance. Please bear in mind that some churches may not restart services for some time yet. There are a number of important things that ringers must do before a return to ringing:

Read more: Returning to Service Ringing

Alan Collings Elected as Honorary Life Member

As the SCACR Annual General Meeting couldn’t be held in its usual form in May, the Steering Group worked hard to find an alternative format that would allow as many people as possible to participate. A secure, online voting form was set up, and paper voting slips posted to those people who aren’t on email.

A record 269 votes were cast; 230 were online and 39 were postal votes. We’re delighted that Alan Collings was elected Honorary Life Member of the Association.

Read more: Alan Collings Elected as Honorary Life Member

Alternative AGM 2020 - Report

Communication from the Master

Rob Lane explained in two letters/emails (1) (2) to the members that there would be no AGM in May and that the Annual Report and Handbook would be initially published electronically. However, he explained that there would be an opportunity to query the reports in the Annual Report and Handbook and there would be an opportunity to vote.

Annual Report and Handbook

Regarding the reports, there were no queries.
The next step is to generate the printed versions.

Read more: Alternative AGM 2020 - Report

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