Annual General Meeting - Saturday 11th May 2019 at Eastbourne

You are warmly invited to attend the 134th AGM of the Sussex County Association on Saturday 11th May 2019. The Eastern District has organised the following:

Ringing at:

  • 12.30pm Christ Church, Eastbourne
  • 1.30pm St Mary’s, Eastbourne
  • 2.15pm St. Saviours, Eastbourne
  • 3.30pm All Saints Eastbourne

Followed by 4.30pm Service, tea and AGM at All Saints, Eastbourne.

The minutes of the 2018 AGM and the 2019 AGM Agenda are now available.

Names for those wishing to have tea to Marion Hollands This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 8th May 2019.

Please do get in touch with me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like any further details on the positions vacant, any issues you would like addressed at the AGM or with apologies for absence.

Kind regards,

Hamish McNaughton
Acting SCACR General Secretary

Sussex Says Thank You

Over 50 bellringers from Sussex gave their lives in the First World War; around 1,400 bellringers died in the conflict. The Ringing Remembers campaign sought to recruit 1,400 new ringers, to honour those who died. We’re delighted that over 150 new recruits have taken up ringing in Sussex as part of this campaign - Sussex was one of the leading Associations for recruiting new ringers! Many of these new ringers were able to take part in ringing for the centenary of the Armistice of the First World War, on 11th November 2018.

The SCACR is holding two events in March 2019 to say “thank you” to all new ringers and new members in Sussex, and their teachers and helpers. So many people help to train new ringers – these people are the oft-unsung heroes of the Exercise, helping to keep the art of change ringing alive and thriving!

The two events are:

Come along to meet other people from around the Association, and get to know them over tea, coffee or juice and some delicious home baking! As well as ringing on easy-going bells (“rounds onwards”), there will also be the opportunity to have a go on handbells, peruse the Association bookstall for helpful ringing-related publications, and take a look at some of the SCACR’s newsletters and magazines. New members who have not yet received their membership pack will be presented with their membership certificates by Rob Lane, SCACR Acting Master.

Hope to see you there! If you plan to come, please let Marisa Hayes know (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), so we can make sure there’s enough cake!

ART Conference 2019 – Goes to Worcester!

ART will be holding its annual conference on 2/3 March at Worcester. The exciting agenda includes a great line up of speakers, with keynotes by:

  • Mark Regan, the Ringing Master at Worcester Cathedral, who will not only be looking to the future, but offering visits to the Cathedral Ringing Centre. Book early, as places are limited!
  • Matt Bulbeck, a professional outdoor sports coach and bell ringing teacher.
  • New-ish ringers Ian and Louise Wilson, with their take on bell ringing leadership based on 20 years of knowledge and experience gained in industrial and academic settings.
  • Simon Linford and Clare McArdle, who will be talking about Project Pickled Egg alongside the re-launch of the Learning the Ropes Plus scheme.

Reflecting the rapid proliferation of questions and concerns around recent events, additions to the ART line-up include presentations from the Church of England about safeguarding and the C of E, bell ringing insurance and risk assessments. There will be opportunities to talk through any local issues with the experts who will be available throughout the day.

The second day of the conference weekend concentrates on building a vision for the future of youth ringing and is hosted by the Central Council. A day of speakers and break-out sessions. A day for you to help shape the future. A day for anyone interested in developing the leaders and ringers of the future.

  • A Vision for the Future of Youth Ringing – David Hull
  • Putting Girls in the Lead: How Girlguiding Does it – Fiona Joines
  • Successful Leaders and the D of E Scheme – Christopher O’Mahony
  • Parental Involvement: What can we Learn from other Activities – Pip Penney
  • Different ages, different approaches – David Smith

The day will include a number of break-out sessions led by youth leaders. These will provide plenty of opportunities to share ideas and good practice and give you the chance to draw a vision of the future and start working towards it.

The ART Conference is our leading national event and is open to anyone with an interest in ringing teaching and leadership. We would like to invite you to join us at Worcester on 2nd & 3rd March 2019 for what is sure to be a full and interesting weekend.

» Book your conference place now

Sponsored Places Available for ART Conference!

Interested in ringing, teaching and leadership?

Our lovely Alan Collings is once again generously offering to sponsor 10 places on the 2019 Association of Ringing Teachers (ART) Conference being held at Worcester on 2nd & 3rd March 2019. The ART Annual Conference is an inspiring and enjoyable weekend, with leading speakers sharing best practice from their ringing as well as ideas from other activities and professions. Continuing last year's successful partnership with the CCCBR, the second day of the conference is organised by the newly formed Volunteer and Leadership Workgroup and focuses on youth development and leadership.

The conference is open to all ringers. Book your place now - together we can make a difference.

Further information can be found at

If you would like to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, or obtain further details, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please note, Alan's sponsorship covers ticket price only, all other expenses e.g. travel costs, accommodation if necessary, to be paid for by applicant.

Tickets are now on sale. The Sussex members who attended last year found it interesting and extremely worthwhile. In 2017, one Sussex ringer even came away with a new set of handbells!

Alan specialises in restoration of handbells, and will be in Worcester with handbells for sale and also to discuss repairs etc. for any handbells you may already use. Alan kindly brought the Dewbys Bells mini-ring to support the SCACR presence at the South of England Show in June 2018. He's always extremely supportive of the Association, and we thank him for his continued generosity.

Thank you Alan!

 Alan at the ART conferenceAlan at ART conference

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